BoJo Loses His Mojo: What Drove Boris Johnson's Fall From Power As UK Prime Minister?

What a difference a day makes. Following yesterday’s bellicose pronouncement before the U.K. Parliament that he would not resign  as prime minister because of the “colossal mandate” given to him by voters, Boris Johnson announced his decision to step down as leader of the Conservative Party — and, by extension, leave the office of prime minister.  Johnson’s departure will not be immediate. A successor as the head of the Conservative Party needs to be named, and the process could take weeks. And in announcing his resignation, Johnson stubbornly refused to take any blame for the circumstances that resulted in his own party revolting against him. What Happened: Speaking today before the prime minister’s residence of 10 Downing Street in London, Johnson acknowledged that “it is clearly now the will of the parliamentary Conservative Party that there should be a new leader of that party and therefore a new prime minister.” Johnson simultaneously belittled the rising level of opposition within his party to his continued leadership, sarcastically comparing his fellow Conservatives to an animal stampede. “As we have seen at Westminster … when the herd moves, it moves,” he said. “And my friends, in politics, no one is remotely indispensable.” Johnson ... Full story available on