Brittney Griner's Guilty Plea: Geopolitics And Domestic Policy Clash Over Cannabis Legalization

As the White House continues to insist Brittney Griner is being “wrongfully detained” even after she pleaded guilty to entering a Moscow airport on February 17 with cannabis oil in her suitcase, the Biden administration hangs on tightly to its anti-legalization stance here in the U.S., which has not gone unnoticed by Russia nor most likely by millions of Americans who will soon vote in the midterms. That point was driven home when a Russian foreign ministry official noted that cannabis possession was “punishable in some U.S. states,” hence undermining Griner’s case while over-exposing U.S. hypocrisy. “Ironically – and despite the public’s overwhelming support for an end to cannabis criminalization  - the draconian Russian laws that led to ... Full story available on