Paris Tribunal Judiciaire Issues a Decision Recognizing an Award in Favor of Entrepreneur Dr. Maya Dangelas and Her Companies Against Viet Nam in the First Arbitration Case

HOUSTON, July 08, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Paris Tribunal judiciaire  has issued a decision, recognizing an award rendered in favor of renowned Houston entrepreneur, economist, academic, educator and philanthropist Dr. Maya Dangelas, and her two U.S. Companies. The award ordered the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to pay to Dr. Dangelas and her two U.S. Companies the majority of their fees and costs in the jurisdiction phase of an arbitration against Viet Nam. The decision of the Paris Tribunal judiciaire  allows Dr. Dangelas and her two U.S. Companies to seek to enforce the award upon the assets of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. In parallel, the arbitration will now proceed to the merits phase. Dr. Dangelas, the Chairwoman of Tan Tao Energy Corporation, U.S. Global Institute, Inc., and Angels Company, Inc., is breaking her silence, she said: "This is the fight of my life against corruption, bribery, extortion and money laundering of tens of billions of dollars taken and stolen from American and other foreign investors in Vietnam by Nguyen Tan Dung, the then Prime Minister of Vietnam. I am calling on all American and other foreign investors to bravely stand up for what is right and fight for their investments that were unjustly stolen. Many financiers were threatened and extorted, and thus gave up all the money they had saved and invested in Vietnam business ventures and opportunities. My voice and actions through this arbitration shall serve as a wake-up call to all of the wrongdoing so that American and other foreign investors can feel secure and trust that investing in Vietnam is a safe and wise investment choice." Dr. Dangelas further added: "We launched these proceedings in September ... Full story available on